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Tatiana started this project in Switzerland with the hip-hop non-profit organization called JAIA based

in Geneva. She realized that art communities are completely disconnected. For example, there was

no harmony between the performance artists, DJ’s, musicians, fine artists, etc. Also she noticed that

the house dance community in Switzerland was lacking the club culture. The beauty of club culture is

that no matter your age, where you come from or who you are, you are welcome in this “club”, you

can be yourself. Since she experienced some of it in New York, she wanted to bring that harmonious

flavor to Geneva. So she came up with a party called in French “les 5 sens” (the 5 senses). The idea is

to have different art forms represented for each sense inside a party, in a club: DJ’S, dancers of various styles, live paintings, singers, musicians, clothes designers, free food (sweet, salty & spicy), fragrant sprays (for a different smell in the room each hour), creating an experience that would appeal to all five senses.

People could discover local artists and build bridges between the art communities.

She launched two such events in Geneva which were very successful. The non-profit organization JAIA are making it annual party.

Now she is doing it here in New York and other places in USA along with Lauriane Ogay.

The goal here is to create a synergy of the senses, between people, between different art forms and communities, but also to promote our house dance and hip-hop communities.

The next edition was a special one: A fundraiser for a Mazil foundation in Haïti to build a school. It's called “les 5 sens- A school for Haïti” features only Haitian artists from New York. It was held at the Nublu 62 in New York the 26th of March 2017.

The idea of a fundraiser came from Nubian Néné, a Haitian dancer from Montréal who lives in New

York, who Tatiana is partnering with for this edition, because they both want to contribute for their

dear country, Haïti.

Nubian Néné wanted to help her mother’s, Gerthy Mazile, foundation called

“Fondation Mazile”*. Tatiana and Nubian Néné will continue doing “les 5 sens - A school for Haïti”

together. The next one will be for, Tatiana’s parents, Marie-Lourdes and Joseph Desardouin, and their

foundation called “Anmwe Pou Ayiti” (“Help for Haïti”) **


Tatiana will do the regular “LES 5 SENS” editions with different artist from different communities with Lauriane Ogay.

“Foundation Mazile” website:

“Anmwe Pou Ayiti”


“LES 5 SENS” would be a platform to discover underground artists from New York and the USA to create professional connections between communities. Tatiana would love to travel with this project and bring it to different countries and perpetuate the concept, like they are already doing in Switzerland.

She believe that this project can help building bridges between communities who are rarely connected.

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